Photo credit: jeremyfe You never know what ripples your actions are going to cast. Now do me a favor: read that first sentence again, but slow down and think about it. People look at statements (okay, platitudes) like that and …
Why You Shouldn’t Act Like You’ve Been There
Cover photo credit: Elliot Leuthold, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license When I was younger, I played softball on a lot of big stages. It can be nerve-wracking, especially if you question whether you’re good enough or if you can rise to …
Effective Communication
So this post has been something that’s been mulling around in my head for a bit, but I finally decided to write things down instead of leaving them percolating in the old noggin. One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve been …
Life will be Not Nomadic
Max and I returned from a trip to the Netherlands and France recently which served the dual purpose of letting us attend WordCamp Europe (a WordPress conference) and take some time to explore Amsterdam and Paris. We also wanted to …
WordCamp Europe
I attended my first WordCamp in Leiden (Netherlands) with Max for SkyVerge / Sell with WP and spent some time reflecting on our experiences. After spending a weekend at the conference, I think my favorite talk was delivered by Vitaly …
Sell with WP went live!
Sell with WP is now live! It went live on September 19, so I have almost two weeks under my belt. It’s been a bit crazy, as I’ve focused a lot on writing as much content as possible before launch …
New Projects
So I’m excited to announce a new project I’m working on. Currently, I’ve been redoing a lot of sales copy and documentation for our SkyVerge products, but I’m also starting something new that I’m hoping I’ll be able to go …
Life Changes and Adventures
Okay, here we go! I made the decision to leave teaching / coaching after four years. While this wasn’t an easy decision for me to make, I’m pretty excited about where I go from here. First, I love teaching. I …