Since I manage our websites at SkyVerge and Sell with WP, I get lots of emails from authors wanting to contribute content or guest posts. We don’t typically accept most guest content to begin with, but I’m even less likely …
Tag: communication
The Social McGurk Effect
You know how sometimes the simple, seemingly inconsequential interactions you have can start the gears turning in your head? I had one of those recently. But first, I’d recommend watching the featured video on the McGurk effect. Seriously, watch it, …
How to be Bigger and Better
One of my goals is to always be better at the end of one day than I was at the end of the previous day. I don’t always succeed, but that’s the interesting thing about the pursuit of goals. Getting …
8 Clues that Someone is from Boston
Cover photo credit: Chris Devers, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license Since we’ve been in Boston for a few months, I thought I’d put together a fun list of things I’ve noticed about Bostonians (and some I’ve started to do myself!). I’m …
It’s Okay to be in the Minority
I work with WordPress each day, and have had the pleasure of connecting with some of the people I respect in that sphere. Sometimes people in the WordPress community like to connect via meetups, WordCamps (official conferences), at their own …
Why You Shouldn’t Act Like You’ve Been There
Cover photo credit: Elliot Leuthold, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license When I was younger, I played softball on a lot of big stages. It can be nerve-wracking, especially if you question whether you’re good enough or if you can rise to …
Effective Communication
So this post has been something that’s been mulling around in my head for a bit, but I finally decided to write things down instead of leaving them percolating in the old noggin. One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve been …